Partenariati strategici – Azione chiave 2
Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only-Key Action 2
I Partenariati strategici fanno parte dell’Azione Chiave 2, Cooperazione per l’innovazione e lo scambio di buone pratiche.
Strategic Partnerships are part of the Key Action KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the exchange of good practices.
Gli istituti scolastici possono realizzare partenariati con altre scuole e istituzioni europee per stimolare la crescita delle competenze professionali, innovare le pratiche educative.
Schools can realise strategic partnerships with other schools and European institutions to enhance the development of professional skills, transversal and language skills, educational practices.
Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only-Key Action 2
Partenariato strategico solo tra Istituti scolastici di Paesi del Programma Europeo e possono essere composti da almeno 2 scuole.
Strategic partnerships for Schools Only with schools which are part of the European Programme (2 schools).
Ogni scuola presenta la candidatura alla scuola coordinatrice del progetto: il progetto deve essere approvato dalla Agenzia nazionale. Ogni scuola riceve il finanziamento. Each school apply to the coordinator school : the project must be approved by the National Agency. Only after the approval each school receives the grant.
I Partenariati strategici permettono di realizzare progetti transnazionali miranti a:
- Sviluppare, condividere, implementare “buone pratiche innovative”
- Promuovere cooperazione, scambio a livello nazionale ed europeo
- Promuovere l’aacquisizione di abilità e competenze (digitali, linguistiche)
- Implementare la consapevolezza dell’importanza della “Cittadinanza europea”
Culture Enriched With Migration – CEM –
Transnational Project – 01/09/2017 – 30/06/2019
Partnership: Danemark, Greece, Region Puglia, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Trieste
Language used: English
Seven Transnational Meetings
AIMS of the project
- Learn understanding for other cultures
- Learning common roots and heritage
- Develop and enforce transversal digital and critical skills using a foreign language when communicating
- Enforce the awareness of the importance of the European Citizenship
- Overcome any form of prejudices and racism
Trieste Meeting
6th Transnational Project Meeting 1 – 5 April 2019
Articolo Aprile 2019 – Trieste Tavola Rotonda
Articolo Il Piccolo – “Settanta Studenti Erasmus Ospiti dell’Istituto – da Vinci – Carli – de Sandrinelli” di Trieste
Erasmus KA2: sei Paesi a Trieste contro i pregiudizi e paura del “diverso”
Keep Calm Dance & Sing International Erasmus Competition
Studenti Erasmus a Sgonico
Language Learning Training Meetings LTT
SPAIN PAMPLONA – Second Meeting January 2018 – “Cultural identity and values”
Agenda of the meeting
Students’ contributions – Great social movements
Who am I? Essay contest
GREECE VOLOS – Third Meeting April 2018 – “Our historical roots”
PORTUGAL AMORA – Fifth Meeting – January 2019 – “The remains of the past”
TRIESTE – Sixth Meeting April 2019 – “Respect towards other people’s culture”
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